Monday, October 13, 2014

Liz and just got back from Penland and Asheville this weekend.  It was a blow your hair back kind of weekend.  At some point I just had to stop taking photos and kind of sit back and enjoy it.  We wanted to visit with our friend and New Paltz alum Aran Galligan and see Liz's work at Mora but it ended up being an amazing trip filled with amazing things.  Aran is teaching a concentration at Penland in metals.  Coincidentally, Rebekah Frank and Ben Dory were also teaching in metals so it was kind of a powerhouse crew.  

We were lucky enough to hang out for a while and see a lot of great work both at the Core show and the Penland gallery.  I have to say that the highlight of the trip, besides getting to hang out with Aran was getting to meet Rebekah and talk for a while about life and work.  It was also nice to catch up with Andrew Hayes and Jayden Moore two of Penland's new resident Artist's.  Also concocting future plans with Ben Dory.  It was enthralling to see so much jewelry this weekend.  Emily Rogstad, Tyler Stoll and Sara Brown, three of Penland's core fellows had some intriguing work in the show (images below).  The Penland Gallery seemed to be packed to the gills with jewelry.  As well as a great interactive collection of Heather Mae Erickson's work.  Michelle Moode, had a installation that include books, hand needle work and paper.   

  The next day in Asheville we went to Robert Ebendorf's opening at Mora.  It was great to see so much work and meet so many people.  I am sure that I am missing a few things.  

On another note.  I will be traveling to Whitewater to do a workshop and lecture.  So much to do before I leave.  Today will be a full day of grading midterms and prep work for the workshop.  Before we left for Asheville I had to race to finish some earrings to send off to The Smithery in Ohio. 

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