Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Casting project!

To follow along with the idea of a “SET” for this project you are to create “twins”. Twins are two offspring produced by the same pregnancy. Twins can either be identical, meaning that they develop from one zygote that splits and forms two embryos, or fraternal, meaning that they develop from two eggs, each fertilized by separate sperm cells. 

Fraternal twins from separate eggs may not look alike but, obviously, have a common source, and hence share certain similar characteristics. Carve and/or fabricate two or more modular units that obviously function together as a pair. These modular units will be ‘building bocks’. 

Well-designed modular units lend themselves readily to replication (rubber molding, in this case), allowing you to arrange and assemble them in different ways. Though these variant assemblies are all unique, they are all related by their shared modularity. One single, well designed pair of modular units can engender a diverse body of work.

Rubber-mold your modular units and inject sufficient waxes to produce a minimum of two separate pieces of jewelry. ‘tree sprue’ these injected waxes, cast, clean up and assemble into at least four finished pieces of jewelry.

Each cast cluster or set should be less than six ounces of metal.  

Get a casting buddy.  Everyone needs one.  You will not work together on composing your project but you will be helping each other invest, burnout and pour your metal. 

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