Monday, December 1, 2014


Friday, December 12, 2014 from 3:00 PM - 5:30 PM

For the final: 

Metals II students:

You should have your two sets and your rubber mold
Don't forget about your blog (50 posts)

Advanced students:

You should prepare a 10 min presentation on your semesters worth of research
This should reflect everything you have done, what you are working towards, influence material, current projects and at least three to four artist that you are drawing inspirations from.

Also the work itself. Something physical to see. 

The studio will have limited access on the 8th.  I will come in on the 8th to have the studio open.  

Final  clean up day will be scheduled after our crit or if schedules permit later in the week.

The final day the studio will be open for the semester will be December 12th

Please be prepaired to take everything with you after the crit.